
Healing the Healers: Addressing the Struggles of Medical Students and Resident Doctors

The pursuit of a medical career is often considered a noble and prestigious journey, one that requires immense dedication, intelligence, and resilience. Yet, behind the facade of white coats and healing hands lies a complex and deeply troubling reality faced by medical students and resident doctors. The profession, demanding as it is, comes with profound challenges that place an unbearable strain on the mental, emotional, and physical well-being of those on the frontlines. The issues they encounter are not simply occasional hurdles but systemic problems that demand urgent attention and reform.

A Cry for True Freedom: The Unheard Voices of Healers

There can be no celebration, no joy, only the silent, steadfast resolve to fight for a future where freedom is not just a word but a lived reality for every doctor, every healthcare worker, and every citizen of this land.The medical community, the healers of this nation, should only consider celebrating Independence Day when this noble profession is finally liberated from the shackles of violence,

A Shattered Dream: Reflections on NEET 2024 and the Pain of Injustice

The NEET 2024 examination will be remembered not for the triumphs it should have celebrated, but for the heartbreak it left in its wake. The news of paper leaks and the resulting rank inflation has crushed the hopes of countless aspiring doctors, sending shockwaves through their families. For some, the dream of donning a white coat has been postponed indefinitely; for others, it has been abandoned altogether, as they shift their focus to new paths. The echoes of their struggles linger in the hearts of their parents, who recount this journey with emotions that range from deep pride to profound sorrow.


With the NTA's alleged irregularities numbering around 21, it is in the eye of a storm vehemently trying against all odds to salvage its remaining self respect by doing everything possible in the name of the game to stop a RE- NEET from taking place and this time succeeding too as the Apex Court after exploring all evidences of paper leaks surprisingly ordered a NO RE-NEET after observing that the paper leak was restricted to Patna and Hazaribagh i.e. it was localised - a decision that did not go well with the student community and many others who felt that the Apex Court had with jaundiced eyes failed to see the right thing in the right manner.

Against All Odds: A Journey from Desperation to Miraculous Recovery

After nearly a month of relentless effort, we succeeded in saving that patient's life. Miracles manifest when you place your trust in God and persevere without rest. Two months later, witnessing that very patient, once teetering on the brink of hopelessness, walk into the OPD on his own was a moment of indescribable satisfaction and joy.


If the government is seriously contemplating improving the growing fear of unemployment among the educated youth, it must create a conducive skilled atmosphere for aspirational goals and this would necessitate adopting an integrated approach to the job scene as governmental statistics alone cannot justify any tall claims made on this account.

Decriminalizing Medical Negligence Death or Criminalizing Medical Practice

The Minister professed before the Parliament to decriminalize medical negligence but what in reality he did was to specifically criminalize practice of medicine by registered medical practitioners The liability and punishment for negligence for a medical practitioner remains same in BNS 106(1) and IPC 304 A. The worse aspect is that under the amended 106(1) the medical professional’s acts are specifically added for criminal liability. It certainly does not decriminalize medical negligence.


The entire education system needs to be freed from the clutches of the nexus operating in the shadows of commercialization. Treating the recent happenings as a symptom of something uglier to come, all stakeholders in the education system must contribute to prevent India's reputation of being a country where merit is respected through transparent examinations from going down the drain !!!

Ten Essential Safety Tips for Health After Fourty

As we journey through life, our bodies undergo various changes, and taking care of our health becomes even more crucial after reaching the milestone of 40. To ensure a healthy and vibrant future, incorporating these 10 safety tips into your lifestyle can make a significant difference.

ऑटिज्म - एक गम्भीर सोशिओ-कम्युनिकेटिव डिसऑर्डर

ऑटिज़्म एक गम्भीर सोशिओ-कम्युनिकेटिव डिसऑर्डर है। जिसमे व्यक्ति को सामाजिक कौशल तथा बातचीत करने में तकलीफ होती है। यदि समय रहते इलाज शुरू न किया जाए तो स्थिती बहुत गंभीर रूप ले सकती है जिसमे बच्चा कोई कार्य सीख, बोल, समझ नही पाता।