
A Cry for True Freedom: The Unheard Voices of Healers

A Cry for True Freedom: The Unheard Voices of Healers
A Cry for True Freedom: The Unheard Voices of Healers

When the ruling class itself descends into the abyss of anarchy,

When those who hold the reins of power choose to cultivate and protect anti-social elements,

When they shamelessly defend the very rapists and murderers who terrorize the innocent,

When they become the sponsors of brutality against those who peacefully protest, 

Then the very notion of celebrating freedom in such dark times becomes an empty gesture, devoid of any true meaning.

What kind of freedom do we speak of when a lady doctor is brutally murdered, and her killer walks free for days, unchallenged, while the cries for justice echo unheard?

What kind of society are we, when instead of swiftly apprehending the rapists, the very scene of the crime becomes a place for another horror and cover up?

When the voice of authority is nothing more than the voice of anarchy, rising above all reason and compassion,

Then the so-called freedom we claim to possess is nothing but a cruel and hollow illusion.

Today is not a day of celebration for those who heal, for those who dedicate their lives to saving others.

Today is a day of mourning, a day of sorrow that runs deep in the hearts of every physician.

True freedom for doctors in this country will only come when they can walk into their workplaces without the shadow of fear lurking behind them,

When a daughter can step into the night, at any hour, with her heart unburdened by dread, to fulfill her noble duties,

And when criminals, knowing the consequences they face, are so gripped by fear that the very thought of harming a healthcare worker does not even dare to enter their minds.

In a society where the rule of law has been trampled upon, where chaos and lawlessness have taken root, 

Talking about freedom becomes not just meaningless but a bitter mockery of the ideals we once held dear.

This Independence Day should serve as a somber reminder of our collective failure—the failure to protect a  daughter in Bengal, a young woman who was let down by her society, her government, and by each of us.

As the NEET UG counseling continues and NEET PG results approach, one cannot help but wonder: which parents will have the courage to send their beloved children to a state where the murderers and predators are not just roaming free but are sheltered, even empowered, by those who are supposed to protect us?

The medical community, the healers of this nation, should only consider celebrating Independence Day when this noble profession is finally liberated from the shackles of violence,

When the fear that haunts their steps is eradicated,

And when the anarchy that too often disrupts the sanctity of our hospitals is replaced by peace and safety.

Until that day of true liberation, until that day when justice prevails and the sanctity of life is honored once more, 

There can be no celebration, no joy, only the silent, steadfast resolve to fight for a future where freedom is not just a word but a lived reality for every doctor, every healthcare worker, and every citizen of this land.

(Dr Raj Shekhar Yadav is a senior physician, blogger and social media activist.He tweets @citybrr.Views are personal)

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Aug 15, 2024

Jinhone bachhi k sath asa kiya h fansi do unko,,,😭😭