Healthy Madhya Pradesh Initiative: A Proactive Approach to Youth Wellness
Explore the "Healthy Madhya Pradesh Initiative," a visionary health campaign led by Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav aimed at preventing lifestyle-related diseases among the youth. This initiative builds on the alarming findings from the "Health of Indore" program and expands preventive healthcare screenings and interventions across the state to promote a healthier, more vibrant future for its young population.

Covishield Vaccine: Breaking the Myths About Rare Side Effects
The fear surrounding rare vaccine side effects is often overblown. The data on vaccines has been transparent, with regulatory bodies closely monitoring and capturing information on rare events. These events are not proof of causation, and most vaccines are associated with significant public health benefits.

Bad quality of sleep increases chances of cardiovascular diseases and stroke
A recent study published in JAMA has attempted to find out association of sleep pattern with incidents of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. In this study more than 15 thousand adults (mean age 65yrs) without heart disease or cancer were studied for 5 years to find out association of sleep pattern with cardiac events (Cardiovascular disease) and strokes.The study has highlight the importance of maintaining favorable sleep patterns for CVD prevention.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest - a Pandemic that needs Preventive Strategy
Basic Life Support training is a fundamental skill that every healthcare provider should possess. It equips them with the necessary knowledge and skills to respond effectively in emergency situations, such as cardiac arrest, choking, or other life-threatening incidents. The ability to provide immediate assistance can make the difference between life and death, and this training can significantly improve patient outcomes.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Awareness Program
A CPR awareness program was organized at the premises of the local Takshshila Senior Secondary School. Dr. Raj Shekhar Yadav, Senior Physician at City Hospital Behror, provided CPR training to students and teachers present at the event. During the program, Dr. Yadav emphasized that even a common citizen standing nearby can save a person's life using CPR if they witness someone experiencing cardiac arrest.

Despite Stern Comments from The Supreme Court, Baba Ramdev Remains Defiant
Baba Ramdev is not backing down from the controversy between him and modern medicine. Despite the court's stern comments and warnings during the hearing of the Indian Medical Association's plea against misleading advertisements, Baba Ramdev remains defiant.

Study Finds COVID-19 Vaccination Lowers Odds of Unexplained Sudden Deaths in Young Adults
The study concludes that COVID-19 vaccination does not increase the risk of sudden unexplained deaths among young adults in India. Instead, past COVID-19 hospitalization, a family history of sudden death, and specific lifestyle behaviors were identified as potential risk factors. These findings provide valuable insights into understanding and preventing sudden deaths in this demographic.