
Debunking the Myths of Self-CPR and Cough CPR: What You Need to Know

Cough CPR it is essential to rely on established and medically approved techniques when responding to a cardiac emergency. Traditional CPR, administered by trained individuals, remains the gold standard for increasing the chances of survival during a cardiac arrest. If you or someone you are with experiences a cardiac event, call your local emergency number immediately and, if trained, perform standard CPR until professional medical help arrives. The notion of 'cough CPR' is a misleading and potentially dangerous myth that has circulated on the internet, especially on social media platforms like Facebook. If you encounter this misinformation, it is advisable to refrain from spreading it further and, if possible, inform the person who shared it that there is no factual basis to support it. Accurate information and prompt action in the event of a cardiac emergency are essential for saving lives.

सी. ओ. पी. डी. (सांस खाँसी रोग)

आइये COOD नामक एक आम रोग के बारे में जानकारी को अपनी मातृभाषा हिंदी में समझतं हैं। इसे आम भाषा में हम “श्वांस खांसी की बीमारी” का रोग भी कह सकतें है। यह बीमारी अक्सर लम्बे समय से बीड़ी, सिगरेट, हुक्का, चिलम पीने वाले 40-45 वर्ष से ऊपर की उम्र के लोगों में होती है।

Unlocking the Secrets of Better Sleep: The Naked Truth:

Sleeping is an essential part of our daily routine, and the way we choose to dress—or undress—before bedtime can have a significant impact on our sleep quality and overall well-being. The idea of sleeping naked has gained attention in recent years, with claims that it offers various health benefits. In this article, we will explore the potential advantages of sleeping in the buff and whether it's a practice worth considering.

Diabetes -Do's & Don'ts

Embracing a healthier lifestyle can safeguard against the rising tide of diabetes. Globally, cases have surged from 30 million in 1985 to a staggering 415 million in 2017. Based upon the current trends its projected that 642million individuals will have diabetes by the year 2040.The countries with the greatest numbers of individuals with diabetes in 2015 were China (109 millions) India (73million),the USA(30 million),Brazil(14million) and the Russian federation (9million). Diabetes, a leading cause of End Stage Renal Disease( kidney failure),non traumatic Lower limb amputation, and adult blindness, demands a proactive approach. To thwart its occurrence, advance or manage existing conditions, consider the following

Tracking the Timeline: The Road to 'NEXT'

The article delves into the turbulent timeline of the National Exit Test (NExT) in India, tracing its origins in the 2019 NMC Act, the challenges it encountered, and the subsequent postponement. It highlights the outcry and protests by the 2019 batch, their legal battle in the Supreme Court, and the eventual deferral of NExT until June 2024. The piece also sheds light on the formation of a committee by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) to ensure a smoother implementation for the 2020 batch. Explore the complex journey of NExT and its impact on medical education in India.

Does India need more medical colleges?

In a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, the question of whether India requires more medical colleges looms large. This article delves into the heart of the matter, exploring the intricacies of expanding medical education in India. We dissect the demand for additional colleges, assess the impact on healthcare quality, and peer into the future of medical education in the nation. Join us on this journey as we unravel the complexities of India's healthcare and education systems.

Why medical education in India is so expensive?

The cost of medical education in India has surged, affecting both private and government medical colleges. With fees reaching into the millions, many private medical college seats remain vacant annually. To address this, the government has lowered admission cutoff percentiles instead of regulating fees, sparking ongoing controversy and opposition from medical associations and students seeking legal remedies.