
Diabetes -Do's & Don'ts

Diabetes -Do's & Don'ts

Embracing a healthier lifestyle can safeguard against the rising tide of diabetes. Globally, cases have surged from 30 million in 1985 to a staggering 415 million in 2017. Based upon the current trends its projected that 642million individuals will have diabetes by the year 2040.The countries with the greatest numbers of individuals with diabetes in 2015 were China (109 millions) India (73million),the USA(30 million),Brazil(14million) and the Russian federation (9million).

Diabetes, a leading cause of End Stage Renal Disease( kidney failure),non traumatic Lower limb amputation, and adult blindness, demands a proactive approach. To thwart its occurrence,advance or manage existing conditions, consider the following:


1. Trim carbohydrates and boost fiber in your diet.

2. Sidestep high- glycemic foods like bananas, potatoes, sodas, white bread, and juices.

3. Maintain consistent meal portions daily.

4. Dedicate at least 30 minutes daily to physical activity.

5. Moderate salt intake and ensure ample daily water intake.

6. Savor your meals with unhurried, well-chewed bites.

7. Adhere to your medication regimen diligently.

8. Regularly check your blood sugar level at home yourself (Self Monitoring of Blood Glucose)

9. Take care of your mental health


1. Kick the smoking habit.

2. Abstain from alcohol consumption.

3. Steer clear of fasting.

4. Avoid excessive feasting.

5. Opt for smaller, frequent meals instead of large servings.

6. Shun saturated fats, trans fats, and salty foods.

7. Say no to refined flour, including maida, bakery products, and sweets.

Also read- ABC of Diabetes By Dr Prem Prakash Patidar

Other Components 

Reduced - calorie and non nutritive sweeteners may be useful

Routine supplements of vitamins, antioxidants, or trace elements not supported by evidence

Sodium intake as advised for general population

Fructose preferred over sucrose however sucrose containing foods may be consumed with adjustment in insulin dose, but minimize intake

By integrating these modest adjustments into your lifestyle, you pave the way for a diabetes-free life and averted complications.

Also Read- Regular Exercise, The Mantra for a Healthy life


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