


The language of competition today is who is better, who is number one?. Wanting to be better than others in the professional world, one resorts to everything in the name of the game to be one step ahead.

The NTA, after a small victory by the Apex Court order mentioning " No RE NEET "announced the revised result of the controversy ridden NEET UG 2024, which brought down the number of Toppers from 61 to 17. 

Besides exposing the ugly reality of our so called competitive system, today's education is not only about positive engagement in studies, but about the use of all other available means to get ahead in the rat race.

The schools, colleges, universities and even educational boards too contribute towards pushing the cut-off marks upwards.

Unfortunately, not all qualify, only those who study throughout the year, earn higher scores honestly and with dedication excel in life. The huge lot of leftovers start blaming the falling standards of professionalism.The NEET UG 2024, which got exposed by latest events and rackets operating in this space too decide the student's future.

The entire education system needs to be freed from the clutches of the nexus operating in the shadows of commercialization. Treating the recent happenings as a symptom of something uglier to come, all stakeholders in the education system must contribute to prevent India's reputation of being a country where merit is respected through transparent examinations from going down the drain !!!

Dr. Raj Shekhar Pande 

Past Honorary Secretary and CWC Member from Madhya Pradesh

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Jul 30, 2024

Sir Not only private education institutions, govt institutions also They have made undergraduate and postgraduate doctor a bonded labourers, either you work at meagre remuneration and loose your young life or forced to pay hefty amounts and families pushed to poverty and then no jobs and poor practice environment May God help and give strength to bear this pressure we are going through


Aug 05, 2024

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