ऑटिज्म - एक गम्भीर सोशिओ-कम्युनिकेटिव डिसऑर्डर
ऑटिज़्म एक गम्भीर सोशिओ-कम्युनिकेटिव डिसऑर्डर है। जिसमे व्यक्ति को सामाजिक कौशल तथा बातचीत करने में तकलीफ होती है। यदि समय रहते इलाज शुरू न किया जाए तो स्थिती बहुत गंभीर रूप ले सकती है जिसमे बच्चा कोई कार्य सीख, बोल, समझ नही पाता।

Patient died during Laparoscopic Dye Test, Compensation of 1.25cr awarded against the Hospital for Deficiency in Services
A young patient died after a minor surgical procedure, family alleged medical negligence and complaint was made in NCDRC which awarded a hefty compensation of 1.25 cr on treating hospital

Twelve Duties of Doctors Towards Their Patients
As per requirement in the Consumer Protection Act Doctors generally have certain duties towards their patients. Negligence is when a doctors fails to do these duties towards their patients and the negligence is actionable when some damage happens to the patient. Doctors must know their duties and ensure that these duties are not breeched.

Debunking the Myths of Self-CPR and Cough CPR: What You Need to Know
Cough CPR it is essential to rely on established and medically approved techniques when responding to a cardiac emergency. Traditional CPR, administered by trained individuals, remains the gold standard for increasing the chances of survival during a cardiac arrest. If you or someone you are with experiences a cardiac event, call your local emergency number immediately and, if trained, perform standard CPR until professional medical help arrives. The notion of 'cough CPR' is a misleading and potentially dangerous myth that has circulated on the internet, especially on social media platforms like Facebook. If you encounter this misinformation, it is advisable to refrain from spreading it further and, if possible, inform the person who shared it that there is no factual basis to support it. Accurate information and prompt action in the event of a cardiac emergency are essential for saving lives.

सी. ओ. पी. डी. (सांस खाँसी रोग)
आइये COOD नामक एक आम रोग के बारे में जानकारी को अपनी मातृभाषा हिंदी में समझतं हैं। इसे आम भाषा में हम “श्वांस खांसी की बीमारी” का रोग भी कह सकतें है। यह बीमारी अक्सर लम्बे समय से बीड़ी, सिगरेट, हुक्का, चिलम पीने वाले 40-45 वर्ष से ऊपर की उम्र के लोगों में होती है।

Diabetes -Do's & Don'ts
Embracing a healthier lifestyle can safeguard against the rising tide of diabetes. Globally, cases have surged from 30 million in 1985 to a staggering 415 million in 2017. Based upon the current trends its projected that 642million individuals will have diabetes by the year 2040.The countries with the greatest numbers of individuals with diabetes in 2015 were China (109 millions) India (73million),the USA(30 million),Brazil(14million) and the Russian federation (9million). Diabetes, a leading cause of End Stage Renal Disease( kidney failure),non traumatic Lower limb amputation, and adult blindness, demands a proactive approach. To thwart its occurrence, advance or manage existing conditions, consider the following

Regular Exercise, The Mantra for a Healthy life
Maintaining a balanced diet, clean water and air, and regular exercise are essential for staying healthy and free from diseases. According to both Ayurveda and modern medicine, regular exercise is considered the cornerstone of a healthy life. Different exercise are recommended for different age groups.