
Social Anxiety, an easily treatable condition

सामाजिक चिंता एक तरह की मानसिक परेशानी है, जिसमें व्यक्ति को लोगों से मिलने-जुलने या किसी भी सामाजिक स्थिति में जाने में बहुत ज्यादा डर लगता है. ये डर इतना तेज होता है कि इससे व्यक्ति की रोजमर्रा की जिंदगी भी प्रभावित हो सकती है.सामाजिक चिंता एक आम समस्या है. थोड़े से प्रयास तथा मनोचिकित्सक के सहयोग से आप इसे दूर कर सकते हैं और एक खुशहाल जिंदगी जी सकते हैं. जिसमे आप अपने पूरे पोटेंशियल को उपयोग करके सफलता की सीढियां चढ़ सकेंगे।

Medical Negligence: Major Takeaways from the National Medico-Legal Summit 2024

The field of medicine is vast and intricate, defying easy judicial scrutiny or non-professional regulation. A highly trained, qualified, and licensed medical practitioner requires the autonomy to deliver services aligned with their expertise. To achieve this, protection from frivolous, excessive, and harassing litigations, as well as ill-investigated judicial decisions in medical negligence cases, is essential. Unfortunately, frivolous negligence claims and misguided medical negligence judgments—often based on ill-applied legal fictions without substantial medical evidence—have eroded public trust in the medical profession. To restore this trust, it is crucial to recognize the doctrine of good faith, which relies on robust medico-judicial processes.

Staying Vigilant: The Importance of Medico-Legal Awareness for Doctors in India

The Indian healthcare landscape is undergoing a significant transformation. As medical advancements accelerate and patient expectations rise, so too does the medico-legal terrain for doctors.  The unfortunate reality is a growing number of medico-legal cases against healthcare professionals. This article delves into the critical need for doctors in India to stay up-to-date on medico-legal issues and the benefits of attending conferences focused on this evolving field.

Reclaiming Your Oasis: A Journey Through Digital Detoxification

In a world perpetually buzzing with notifications and bathed in the blue glow of screens, the concept of a digital detox has become a beacon of serenity. It's a chance to wade ashore from the ever-churning sea of information overload and reconnect with the richness of the present moment. But what exactly is a digital detox, and how can you embark on this transformative journey, the blog explores

Rule 9 of the Clinical Establishments Act, 2012: Balancing Regulatory Authority and Professional Autonomy in Healthcare

This blog examines Rule 9 of the Clinical Establishments (Registration and Regulation) Act, 2012, which empowers state governments to regulate fees charged by healthcare facilities in India. It analyzes the potential conflict between this regulatory power and the constitutional right of medical professionals to practice their profession freely (Article 19(1)(g)). The paper explores relevant legal precedents and academic commentary to understand the delicate balance between ensuring patient welfare through regulation and upholding the autonomy of healthcare providers.

The Future of the Medical Profession in India: A Landscape Shaped by Innovation and Transformation

The Indian medical profession is poised for a period of significant transformation. This blog explores the future of this field, considering current legal frameworks, evolving technologies, and socio-economic factors.

IBS- Irritable Bowel Syndrome

आईबीएस  (IBS) आंतों से जुड़ी एक ऐसी स्थिति है, जिसमें बार-बार पेट दर्द और मल त्याग करने की आदतों में बदलाव होता रहता है. इसमें आपको कभी दस्त (डायरिया) की शिकायत हो सकती है, तो कभी कब्ज हो सकती है. साथ ही पेट में गैस बनना, सूजन और बेचैनी भी महसूस हो सकती है.