

Written By:Dr. Raj Shekhar Pande 

The 6th April 1993 will always be remembered as one of the most magical moments of my life, when my son was born and I held him for the first time after his birth. I still remember his first cry on meeting the real world. Presently, he is in Pune working with a startup and I feel elated as a father that he has successfully managed to scale all adversaries till now and complete all responsibilities entrusted on him. Spending quality time with him ( whenever he comes to Jabalpur ) still remains one of my favourite pastimes.

" Man Ki Baat", no I am not referring to our Prime Minister's much publicised talk with the youth of the country on education, success in examinations and above all being honest to one and all !!!

My heart weeps for the lakhs of fathers who are witnessing the sorry state of affairs of the National Testing Agency and the dark shadows of the NEET UG 2024 over the career of their children affecting their prospects and future besides the mental agony.

While the Prime Minister and his office are silent, the entire student community, parents, coaching institutes, legal experts, investigating agencies and now even political parties are up in arms questioning the integrity of the NTA and the manner in which the NEET was designed and executed besides taking to the Supreme Court and other courts for an early redressal of their grievances and with our Education Minister still in no mood to accept to accept that irregularities have taken place in conducting the aforesaid examination and seconding Mr Subodh Kumar Singh's claims that that there were no paper leak and money exchange in the different cities/ states and shrugging off all evidences and reports as fabricated, it will be another long wait for our dear students to celebrate Father's Day.

I wish, hope and pray to the Almighty that Satyamev Jayate prevails and all those found guilty be put behind the bars and if abolishing the NTA is not possible, atleast making this examination conducting promise that such blunders in conducting examinations will not be repeated and most importantly here's requesting him to break his silence over this scam, which is growing with every passing day. !!!

We, throughout India are waiting for an early resumption of his Man Ki Baat especially on the NTA and the way in which this exam was conducted.

Dr. Raj Shekhar Pande 
Past Honorary Secretary and CWC Member from Madhya Pradesh.

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