

Written By: Dr. Raj Shekhar Pande 

Amid raging controversy over recent allegations on the integrity and irregularities in the NTA over conducting the NEET UG 2024 medical entrance examination and the unceremonious removal of the Director General NTA Subodh Kumar Singh, the tug-o- war between the NTA and others versus the demonstrating students ably supported by their parents and many other organisations seem atleast for the present favouring the latter with the initiation of a CBI enquiry.

The phenomenon of paper leaks and other unfair means is not new, only with the passage of time it has grown into a full fledged industry casting a long shadow over the sanctity of the examination conducting agency becoming a recurrent nightmare for aspiring students affecting their mental health and seeing their dreams die. Now, these scams involve examinations in the schools and colleges too.

Often, the investigations of one paper leak are unfinished comes the news of another paper leak and postponement of the examination. Although the Central and State laws are stringent, yet they have failed to curb this menace, which continues unabated. A few that are arrested are left later on and this encourages them to take bigger risks in their future venture. 

The NTA needs to learn a lesson or two from the UPSC or CBSE, which have been conducting exams with no paper leaks. I feel that every examination conducting agency should have its own printing press, the soft copy should be code locked and the question papers must reach the examination conducting centres 20 minutes before the start of the examination. Mobile Phones should be strictly not allowed for the examinees, invigilators and the examination superintendent and the responsibility of paper leaks, if any should be equally shared by all - even those remotely connected with the entire examination and should be thoroughly investigated by a Supreme Court monitored independent investigating agency who will submit their report within a limited frame of time with no political interference.

The truth is today's examination affects the entire youth of this country and my " Man Ki Baat" is -

"When Black is the purest white 

And White the darkest black 

When sinners are on path to right 

And innocence locked around in fright 

When Blind are ones with eyes 

And deafs ignore screaming cries

When hell is all praise 

And heaven out of grace

Honesty and humanity a waste 

And death, least feared of them all.

Ironical isn't it.

Dr. Raj Shekhar Pande 
Past Honorary Secretary and CWC Member from Madhya Pradesh.

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