
NMC Steps In: Medical Students' Concerns Addressed at Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences

NMC Steps In: Medical Students' Concerns Addressed at Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences
NMC Steps In: Medical Students' Concerns Addressed at Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences
Breaking News


Hapur, Uttar Pradesh - May 29, 2024 

In a significant development addressing the ongoing strike by medical students at Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS), Hapur, the National Medical Commission (NMC) has intervened to address allegations of irregularities in stipend distribution and mental harassment by the college authorities.

The NMC's prompt response follows a formal representation by the United Doctors’ Front Association (UDFA), highlighting the grievances of the students. The NMC, through a letter issued today by Post-Graduate Medical Education Board (PGMEB) Deputy Secretary Aujender Singh, has directed SIMS to provide comprehensive details regarding the stipends paid to interns and postgraduate medical students for the years 2023 and 2024. This includes documentary evidence and a month-by-month breakdown.

Furthermore, the NMC has requested the monthly rosters of all postgraduate students for the past three months. The college administration has also been asked to detail the actions taken in response to the issues raised by the striking students, along with their original representation. The NMC has set a stringent deadline, requiring the college to submit this information within two days of receiving the letter.

Dr. Lakshya Mittal, National President of UDFA, expressed appreciation for the NMC's swift action. On the social media platform X, he posted, "Team @udfaindia appreciates the swift response from @NMC_INDIA to our representation regarding the serious issues faced by students at #SIMS, #Hapur #UP. The NMC has instructed the college to provide details on: 1. Actions taken 2. Stipends 3. PG Rosters. We look forward to immediate resolution."

This intervention by the NMC is seen as a crucial step towards resolving the disputes at SIMS, ensuring that the students' concerns are addressed promptly and transparently. The medical community and students alike are hopeful that this will lead to a fair and just resolution, allowing the focus to return to education and professional development.

Also read-

Protest of Medical students at the Saraswathi Institute of Medical Sciences (SIMS) in Hapur continues on day 4

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May 31, 2024

Good promt action of NMC.


May 31, 2024

Private college are fraud . They give only degree . Student are only customers for them . Fix tuition fee along with hostel and mess charges.


May 31, 2024

Commendable action by NMC to ensure quality education. Also students who protested as they want to become better Knowledgeable and confident doctors.


May 31, 2024

These Colleges are in habit of not paying salaries,stipends for years now. They just know to extract money. If investigated thoroughly a plethora box of issues will be unearthed


May 31, 2024

Hope there will a drastic change in all medical colleges involved in such practices.good job by NMC