
Habitual short sleep duration carries increased risk of Diabetes

Habitual short sleep duration carries increased risk of Diabetes

A study published in JAMA has established the association between short sleep duration and increased risk of Diabetes. 

In the study association between sleep duration and healthy dietary patterns with the risk of T2D was investigated in 247867participant in UK.Participants were categorised in following categories

Sleep for normal duration (7-8 hrs),

Mild deficit (6hrs),

Moderate deficit ( 5 hrs),and

 Extreme short sleep (3-4 hrs/day

There was significant increase in the risk of Diabetes in participants sleeping for 5 hrs ( 16% increase) and in those sleeping for 3-4 hrs (41% increase).The association between short sleep duration and increased risk of Diabetes persisted even for individuals following a healthy diet.

These findings clearly suggest that adopting a healthy diet may not reduce the risk of developing T2D among those with habitual short sleep duration.

Prof G C Khilnani,Chairman, PSRI Institute of Pulmonary, Critical care and Sleep Medicine. Formerly, Professor and Head, Dept of Pulmonary, Critical care and Sleep Med Medicine, AIIMS, N Delhi says that India has become capital of Diabetes which is associated with innumerable complications including heart, brain and kidney diseases.

Traditionally, lac of exercise and unhealthy diet and overweight are considered reasons for higher incidence. This large study has identified `Sleep deficit’ as one of the major cause for diabetes besides dietary habits. Sleep is a very important part of our life and we spend one third of our time sleeping. Sleep is essential for physical, mental, hormonal and metabolic rejuvenation. Short term effects of sleep deficit leads to feeling `groggy’ and irritable in the morning and day time requiring repeated intake of tea, coffee and smoking to stay alert. However, long term effects include hypertension, heart disease, strokes, Dementia and cancers.

This study has suggested sleep deficit as independent factor (irrespective of dietary habits) for development of diabetes.
Almighty has granted us normal sleep but we disrupt it with our life style with faulty routine, use for social media and TV viewing and others. With these, the average sleeping time of individuals is reduced by one and a half hours. It is important to give due importance to quality and duration of sleep by following `Sleep hygiene’ which includes disciplined timing of sleep and other healthy habits,adds Prof Khilnani.


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