
Doctors express dismay over statement made by the health minister, calling for an apology to restore trust and respect.

Doctors express dismay over statement made by the health minister, calling for an apology to restore trust and respect.

Doctors express dismay over statement made by the health minister, calling for an apology to restore trust and respect

Rajasthan's Health Minister Gajendra Singh Khivsar's remarks during the convocation ceremony of Rajasthan University of Health Sciences have left doctors in the state incensed. Addressing the doctors at the university's program, Khivsar suggested that nowadays doctors engage in malpractice to boost their earnings, unnecessarily prescribing medications and tests. Doctors in Rajasthan are dismayed by the minister's statements and are demanding an apology for his irresponsible remarks.

The United Private Clinics and Hospitals Association of Rajasthan (UPCHAR), representing private clinical establishments in the state, has denounced the minister's irresponsible comments in a press release and cautioned against using inappropriate language in public discourse. Dr Kamal Chand Saini, State President UPCHAR has appealled to all UPCHAR dist branches to organise press conferences against the ministers callous statement. The Rajasthan State IMA has also penned a letter to the Chief Minister condemning the Health Minister's statements.

In a press conference, Senior physician and President of IMA from Sikar branch, Dr. Ram Dev Chaudhary, remarked that instead of fulfilling their responsibilities, political leaders are misleading the public by levelling baseless accusations against doctors. If state leaders fail to moderate their language, doctors may be compelled to stage protests against their unjust actions, reminiscent of the historic movement against the Right to Health Act last year.

It is noteworthy in the context of Rajasthan that Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently reprimanded BJP leaders in the state for their inappropriate behavior and issued strict instructions during his visit. However, it appears that the state's leaders have yet to grasp the gravity of the situation.

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Dr. Raj Shekhar Yadav, the State Convener of UPCHAR, believes that such statements made in public platforms widen the gap between doctors and the general public, often leading to violence in hospitals. Political leaders must exercise restraint in their language and refrain from making irresponsible remarks on sensitive matters. If a doctor deviates from protocol in treating a patient, there is an effective system in place for lodging complaints through the Medical Council. Blaming the entire medical community for the misdeeds of a few is highly objectionable.

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Mar 15, 2024

Congratulations UPCHAR for taking this matter seriously, no person in world has right to make such comments against medical profession This only reflects their level of understanding about this great profession


Mar 15, 2024

Good to see that now we hv a very strong voice in form of UPCHAR You guys are really doing a fantastic job