
Prosecution of Doctors under Consumer Protection  Act.

Penalties being imposed on medics need to be tested on the anvil of the constitutional provision of the right to social and economic justice for all. Compensating in millions against a few hundred or thousands earned us unfair, inequitable, and cruel exploitation ultimately unaffordable. Akin to the snake-ladder play for the professionals, it doesn't withstand the test of viability.

Violence Against Healthcare Professionals and  Vandalism of Hospital Infrastructure

The alarming upsurge in episodes of violence against healthcare workers and vandalism of hospital infrastructure over the last more than 2 decades is frightening. As a backlash, it is reshaping the medics’ response to address medical emergencies and intractable illnesses. According to a report, more than two-thirds of health workers face some kind of violence in their lifetime. Hospitals are places to treat the diseased, the debilitated, and the moribund. Haplessly, they are turning fast into bedlams of chaotic uproar where medics may be abused, vituperated, browbeaten, kicked, bruised, slapped, punched, drubbed, and thrashed without the fear of law.

Disillusionment from Surgical Specialties is Frightening, Healthcare Planners should pay Heed.

The results of NEET PG Counselling 2023 and NEET SS Counselling 2023 have been astonishing. Only two students out of the first 100 have chosen a surgical branch for postgraduate studies. The surgical super specialties could not lure even a single student out of the top 100 for once-upon-a-time dream branches like Neurosurgery and Cardio Thoracic & Vascular Surgery.